
EA extends agreement with Massive Inc. Mittwoch, 19.03.2008
Electronic ArtsElectronic Arts extends its collaboration with Massive Inc., a network for in-game advertising. With the new agreement Massive Inc. will offer dynamic in-game advertising for EA video games for the next two years. EA expands the opportunities available to advertisers by extending the participation of current titles in the Massive network as well as incorporating
additional games over the course of the deal. This includes the next two iterations of Madden NFL Football, NBA LIVE Basketball, NASCAR Racing and NHL Hockey, for PC and Xbox360.

Massive Inc. did already the advertising in the titles NFS Carbon and NFS ProStreet for PC and Xbox 360, which will be continued in the next games of the franchise. Additionally Massive is incorporating dynamic advertising in Burnout Paradise.

» Electronic Arts
» Massive Inc.
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