
SimBin thinks about legal action against Slightly Mad Studios Mittwoch, 18.02.2009
Slightly Mad StudiosThe Slightly Mad Studios are the developers of the upcoming Need for Speed Shift and advertise with their previous workings on GT Legends and GTR2 - something Magnus Ling, the Executive Vice President at SimBin Studios AB doesn't really like to hear, at least according to the onlinemagazine Joystiq:

In an email we received recently, Magnus Ling, Executive Vice President at SimBin Studios AB said his company "is taking legal advice and considering to also take legal actions against Slightly Mad Studios, as a result of certain statements made by Slightly Mad Studios that we find to be incorrect, misleading and has a negative impact on our reputation as well as business negotiations."

When asked about the statement, Slightly Mad Studios boss Ian Bell was quick to respond, calling the assertions "absurd" and saying "more than 25 of Slightly Mad Studios' current staff worked on and are actually credited in GT Legends and GTR2 including the majority of the core development team ... It saddens me when fellow developers make inappropriate statements like this in public but I think the fact that the first I heard of it was from you [Joystiq] says everything you need to know about the credibility of the claims. Had there been any merit to them I am sure I would have heard sooner."

Electronic Arts has not given any statement yet. You can find the whole story at Joystiq:

» GTR dev threatens legal action against NFS Shift team
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