
NFSMW: New Information Friday, 16.09.2005
NFSMWIn the discussion boards of our affiliate NFS Unlimited came some new information about Need for Speed Most Wanted up:

Since you liked the sounds in UG2, here's some sound tips on MW:

- You'll have almost double the amount of Car sounds compared to UG2

- In UG2 we had 50+ variations of turbo sounds and 1 supercharger, now each type of supercharger is modelled to how it sounds in real life.

- We upped the amount of crash-sounds from 110 to over 500 since you hit tons and tons of objects and cars

- There's over 12000 lines of cop dialog, modelled after real conversations from cops to base-station, inbetween cops etc. Several people have spend 2 years on getting this aspect to be as good as possible. We casted from over 350 actors to make sure we got people that sounded good and real. A complete new A.I. cop speech system was written from the ground up.

- Paul Linford who was part of the scoring team for Gone in 60 seconds, Bad Boys 2 etc. scored this game. Over 45 minutes of pursuit-pounding music which adapt to your every move. Some people on the team say that playing without sound is now not even an option anymore :)

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Comments (1)

#1: von Spanienfan (16.09.2005 15:30) View profile Add to your Friends-List Send Message
Yeah I was in nfsunlimited and one of the developers came to the forums and posted that. We all were like: WTF! 12,000 lines of text!

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