
NFS WO: Screenshots from Beta-Version Thursday, 09.04.2009
NFS World OnlineThe onlinegame Need for Speed World Online is in its beta phase at the moment and some screenshots of the game popped up:



As you can see Need for Speed World Online doesn't care much about graphics - it has other values, since it is a free 2 play online racer. Depending on the success in Asia the game might make the jump to the western world. Currently the release in Asia is planned for summer 2009.

» NFS World Online Screenshots
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Comments (4)

#4: von Nitrodemon McLaren (12.04.2009 11:34) View profile Add to your Friends-List Send Message
That other screenshot looked better...

You know, the first in-game shot? These graphics seem... okay, I guess. I'll still be looking forward to WO.

///Heavy metal forever!\\\

#3: von KsbjA (11.04.2009 12:03) View profile Add to your Friends-List Send Message
Guess what?

I like the graphics! EA has learned from their mistakes they made with Undercover's system requirements, and are making a game with 'normal' graphics instead, so the game is accessible for most people, not only those with high-end graphics cards (and CPUs, RAMs, etc. etc.). My PC is good but the graphics card is pretty old, so not all games run that well, I often have to turn the graphics down in result of even worse graphics than those of older games (MW, for example, runs smooth with all reflections, antialiasings, and all other bling, but with Undercover, I have to turn them down a bit, making the game graphics look insanely cra**y). Also, MMOs don't actually need ultra-high-end graphics, so the load times are faster and there is no lag. (Even the oh-how-cool WoW thing has lowpoly models!) I'm all for the 'humble' graphics.

Staring @ the wall...

#2: von EKo01 (09.04.2009 20:57) View profile Add to your Friends-List Send Message
great comment


#1: von Fedska:Undercover (09.04.2009 17:51) View profile Add to your Friends-List Send Message

well the graphics don't look like much of a deal, OH YOU MA********** PIECE OF S*** IT'S MMO, SO DAMN IT'S LIKE PROJECT TORQUE


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